Whistleblower Policy

Effective Date: July 12, 2024


Frequency Electronics Inc. (“the Company”) is committed to conducting its business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards. The Company encourages employees, contractors, and stakeholders to report any concerns about potential unethical or illegal conduct within the organization.


This Whistleblower Policy applies to all employees, contractors, vendors, suppliers, and stakeholders of Frequency Electronics Inc.

Reporting Concerns

What to Report

You are encouraged to report concerns about:

  • Financial misconduct
  • Fraud or unethical behavior
  • Violations of company policies
  • Breaches of legal or regulatory requirements
  • Health and safety violations
  • Any other misconduct or inappropriate behavior

How to Report

Reports should be made in writing and sent via email to contact@hmca.shop or through the Company’s confidential reporting hotline, which is available 24/7.

Protection from Retaliation

Frequency Electronics Inc. prohibits retaliation against individuals who report concerns in good faith. Any employee found to have engaged in retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Investigation and Follow-Up

All reports will be promptly investigated by the appropriate personnel. Investigations will be conducted with discretion, and confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible, considering the need to conduct a thorough investigation.


Frequency Electronics Inc. is committed to fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior. This Whistleblower Policy aims to provide a mechanism for reporting concerns and ensuring that they are addressed appropriately.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our Whistleblower Policy or need to report a concern, please contact us at:

Frequency Electronics Inc.
55 Charles Lindbergh Blvd, Uniondale, NY 11553
Email: contact@hmca.shop
Phone: +1 516 794 4500

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